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How Seed Time Works
Knowing that many are challenged with what to do with fresh foods, We provide you with a box of fresh produce WITH suggested recipes for you to create your own meals. Sign up today to receive our service for the season(6-deliveries), the month (2 deliveries) or just a trial bag.About
Seed Time Harvest Farms was founded by Cetta Barnhart in 2012 as a result of visiting her father-in-law’s farm where she saw wonderful produce wasting in the field. An entity was schedule to pick up the produce but because it was not package and ready to be moved, it was left to rot. Upon further explorations, she found that there were many farms in the area that had more food than harvesters. Although there appears to be a food shortage in the area, the contrary is true. Local fresh food is available. There is a breakdown in connecting consumers to vegetable farmers specifically in the Leon, Jefferson, Madison, and the surrounding 100 mile radius.

Our Products
From leafy greens to yellow meat sweet potatoes, the focus is on nutrition and quality. This is what makes us unique. We offer good foods that provide healing to the body. It is a known fact that a plant-based diet leads to more healthy outcomes. Moreover, there are certain foods that are medicinal in nature. Foods like ginger, turmeric and garlic, mushroom varieties, and of course G-BOMBS (Greens Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and Seeds). These foods are a staple part of our packages and offered with every purchase.
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